RSL Kings Partial Spring Tryouts 2025:
Our 2025-26 tryouts will be in a phase approach due to Hockey Canada’s U9 to U15 Pathways implemented by HEO but also due to a league’s decision to host the U10 to U16 tryouts in the Spring 2025. U9 tryouts will take place after Labour Day weekend while U18 tryouts will take place at the end of September 2025.
- The RSL Kings will be hosting partial spring evaluations for the following A/AA teams in early May.
U10 A
U11 AA
U12 AA
U13 AA
U14 AA
U15 AA
U16 AA
Players “Carried” by each level from partial spring tryout
- Each team can carry up to 22 players leading up to the final tryout in the fall of 2025.
- Of note - Tryouts may consist of drills, scrimmages and exhibition games. “Carried” indicates the number of successful participants invited to attend the final session(s) in September 2025.
Tryout Registration:
All players must be registered members in good standing with their respective District 1 Home Association. All players are expected to register for the upcoming season according to the Home Association’s policy by August 1st, 2025, to continue with RSL Kings. We recommend that players arrive at least 45 minutes before the first session to allow time for check-in/jersey.
** Players MUST register online for tryouts. Registration will open April 1st, 2025. **
Tryout Fee: The tryout fee is set at $250 and payable before the first tryout by cheque, or e-transfer (please make the cheque payable to: Rideau St Lawrence Kings or e-transfer to: Players will
not be permitted on the ice unless their tryout fee is paid in full. We do not close our tryout registration.
Tryout Releases: Releases begin following the 3rd evaluation session and are available on the website by jersey numbers that are
CONTINUING, under the team specific page.
General Information
Jerseys: RSL Kings tryout jerseys will be provided upon registration. All other equipment is the responsibility of the individual player. All players are expected to retain their jersey for the September tryout, otherwise a $25 surcharge will apply.
Of note –
- New players moving to the area with previous season AAA/AA experience may join the U12, U13, U14, U15 and U16 final tryouts in September provided they are registered members in good standing within the boundary.
- Players released from the initial spring evaluation are not permitted to attend the final tryout in September.
- All advancing players are expected to attend all sessions unless otherwise stated by the Head Coach; any players requiring exceptions for attendance must contact Melissa Lemay at
- Any returning Kings players are not to wear anything Kings related on the ice. Helmet stickers should be removed (with the exception of goalie wraps), no socks, or pants shells. Hockey nags are acceptable as we don’t expect you to buy a new one for tryouts only.
- Try out times and locations will be emailed to all registered participants closer to the date by their allocated Liaison (A liaison is an Executive member of the RSL Kings Board). The dates and times will also be posted on the RSL Kings website under the Tryout tab.
- Players who played in a non-sanctioned league in this current season and wish to return to HEO Sanctioned Programming (including RSL Kings) for next season, and tryout in the Spring for AAA/AA/A teams, you will need to apply to HEO for reinstatement prior to the beginning of the tryout schedule. This is an HEO process and must be coordinated through Jeff Baker at:
**Spring/Summer hockey is
not considered non-sanctioned hockey**
Questions: Questions regarding tryouts may be sent to Melissa Lemay at