Referee Payment
Referee Payment
For levels U9-U12 on ice officials will be paid by the RSL Kings through the RSL Kings RIC, for levels U13-U16 on ice officials are to be paid prior to each game. It is up to the team manager or other designated official to bring the game fee to the referee room.
Payment must be made in cash. Payment must be provided in 3 envelopes in the correct denominations per official. Officiating payment charge is above.
RSL Kings provides an advance to all teams at the start of the season for their home games.
RSL Kings home games for U9-U12 are booked by the Kings RIC - E-Mail: district1ric@gmail.com. RSL Kings home games for U13-U16 are booked by Ottawa.
Home pre-season and exhibition games (a maximum of 3 per team) are paid for by the RSL Kings unless otherwise advised book by emailing Kings RIC district1ric@gmail.com and Kings President rslkingspresident@gmail.com.