Proposed Amendments for the 2014 AGM


Proposed changes are as follows:



Currently reads:

Shall be responsible for co-coordinating the Rideau St. Lawrence Kings Conditioning Camp, coordinating all coaches and trainers clinics and pass on the dates and times to the “A/AA” convenor, coordinate all player development clinics within the RSL Kings organization for all levels while creating any presenting a detailed budget to the Executive for approval, coordinate coach and player evaluations for all RSL Kings teams.  Coordinate and assist in the selection of the coaches for all RSL Kings teams.  The player Development Convenor is a non-voting member of the Rideau St. Lawrence Kings Association Executive, effective May 12th, 2008, as this position will now be offered an honorarium. 

Change to read:

Shall be the day-to-day liaison with all coaches to ensure an A/AA caliber hockey program is offered at each respective level.  The Coach Mentor is a non-voting member of the Rideau St. Lawrence Kings Association Executive, effective May 12th, 2008, as this position will now be offered an honorarium.  This position will be appointed yearly by the President and approved by the Executive.

Specific Duties:
  • Host Coach Meetings.
  • Watch a minimum of 3 games and 3 practices for each team by January 15th of the current season.
  • Concentrate on weaker teams in the second half of the season.
  • Be accessible to players for personal development and ongoing issues.
  • May assist coaches on ice if required to assist in running a quality A/AA caliber practice.
  • Submit a detailed report to the President in writing prior to receiving an honorarium.  The honorarium will be received in 3 installments.
Rationale:  To define the duties between the Coach Mentor and the VP of Operations.  The position will be an appointed position to ensure there is a qualified person in the position.

Motioned by:  Brenda Green _____________________
Seconded by:  Leigh Anne Hudson ________________



Currently reads:

The VP of Operations will be responsible for all activities related to player development, Coach Selection and day-to-day liaisons with all coaches to ensure an A/AA caliber hockey program is offered at each respective level.

Change to read:

The VP of Operations will be in charge of the day-to-day hockey operations of the organization.  To be eligible to run for this position one must have sat on the board the year previous and have a strong knowledge and background in hockey.

Specific Duties:
  • Chair Coach Selection Committee.
  • Co-ordinate conditioning camps.
  • Supervise tryouts.
  • Evaluate the players of Executive Members and Coaches children.
  • Be available to help out on team benches if required, i.e. sickness, suspensions, bench management, coaching.
Rationale:  To define the duties between the Coach Mentor and the VP of Operations.

Motioned by:  Brenda Green ______________________
Seconded by:  Leigh Anne Hudson _________________


Section (b)
Currently reads:
All executive positions will be 2 year terms as follows:  Positions of First Vice-President, A/AA Convenor, Referee in Chief, Coach Mentor, Vice-President of Operations, Registrar, and Ice Convenor will all be elected in even numbered years, i.e. 2012, 2014, etc.
Change to read:
All executive positions will be 2 year terms as follows:  Positions of First Vice-President, A/AA Convenor, Referee in Chief, Vice-President of Operations, Registrar, and Ice Convenor will all be elected in even numbered years, i.e. 2012, 2014, etc.
Rationale:  To remove Coach Mentor from the list of elected positions as the position will now be appointed.

Motioned by:  Brenda Green _____________________
Seconded by:  Leigh Anne Hudson ________________